Dan's Cucumbers!

The cucumber in my opinion is the coolest vegie in the world. The temprature inside the cucumber can be twenty degress cooler than the outside air. The cucumber is belived to have originated in India, and has spread out from there. Many varities are availible, the most common are the English, Persian, and the pickling cucumber. Persian cucumbers are the average cucumber, and the english cucumber is the burpless or seedless varity.

When you go buy a cucumber you should look for a healthy green firm one, no soft mushy spots or odd colors. After you bring your new cucumber friend home wrap it tight in plastic and put it in the fridge! Cucumbers can store well for upto a week, after a week they can turn mushy and loose color.

If you want to grow your own cucumbers make sure you have alot of space. The cucumber grows best in warm long day environment, but short season varieties are availible if you live up north. They grow in many types of soil but like a pH between 6.0 - 7.0. Cucumbers are relativly low maintenance, look for bugs and disease and take action when needed!

Have fun with your cucumbers!

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